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The Rising Popularity Of Lace Front Wigs

Monday, January 4, 2016 3:40:20 AM Europe/London

How to wear a lace front wig

One of the disadvantages of lace front wigs compared to full lace wigs is that they cannot really be styled in many different ways. A full lace wig is more versatile and can even be pulled into a ponytail if the person so desires. Usually the wig stays put with the help of some special glues or even tapes that go on the front of the hairline. Once the glue is dried up the wig will stay where the person wants it. Some of these types of wigs also have something called baby hair, which is located on the sides of the head around the temples. This is to cover up any evidence that there is lace on the forehead. The baby hair is also important to give the impression that there is a real hair line. Once the glue is dry and the wig is fixed, it can stay in place for as many as seven days if necessary.


Brown Straight 10" With Bangs Lace Front Wigs


The popularity of the lace front wigs

Lace front wigs are not just a fringe item. They are popular with a number of female celebrities, including the likes of Jessica Simpson, Tyra Banks, Jennifer Lopez, and Beyoncé Knowles. Originally these wigs were for women who have experienced severe hair loss. These days, however, they are for anyone who wants to look good without having to go to the hairstylist.


The price of lace front wig

Lace front wigs are not always that cheap. On the high end they can run close to two thousand dollars. The more affordable options are cheaper but they are still pricey for most budgets at three hundred dollars. It is possible to get a wig on a payment plan if you experience sticker shock once you see the price. Despite the price, having a wig like this will save you the trouble of going to the stylist while still helping you look good.


Visit our website for more information on lace front wigs.

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